30 June 2010

Hot spittle.

I hope that the horrible pain I'm feeling in my back wasn't caused by the hospital cot, because if that's the case, it won't be going away for a month or more. It could honestly be a number of things; standing on my feet all day at work, riding my bike (which has drop handlebars), my insoles, cot-sleepin'. It might just be the normal fluctuations of my back pain, which roll in and roll out unpredictably -- both similar and dissimilar to ocean tides.

Today marks what could be my last day of veganism. However, I think I'm sticking to it. Mostly because it really hasn't been that hard, and I'm losing hella weight, but also partially because I just started this new job and explained to a bunch of co-workers exactly what it means that I'm vegan. I don't want to just mysteriously stop now, because I'd feel lame.

Something really flattering is that my friend Lisa wants to do a blog post about my style. I feel like it's really misleading to call how I dress "stylish", because I don't actually go to the effort of styling anything, but rather just find cool pieces at thrift or vintage stores, and throw on a pair of loafers or flats, and maybe a hat. So I feel like doing a feature like that would just be me showing off the cool stuff I found at various thrift stores.


  1. whatever, if you ain't stylish than i ain't either girl..I just have a higher opinion of myself;) I'm addicted to dresses, the laziest style ever but oh so pretty. I totally will do your photos if you want! I'm taking a class in the fall so I'm pretty much obsessed with photography. I don't have a professional camera yet but it doesn't matter..I will send you the questions soon!(probably within a week)<3
    (curious was it this profile photo..I did a quick change but picked the one where I smiled to not scare people:)

  2. oh and omg so excited you want to stay vegan..it feels so good!..in my opinion:)
